Medicine Safety
Families take medicines and vitamins to feel well or stay well. Any medicine or vitamin can be dangerous if taken in the wrong way or by the wrong person, even medicine you buy without a prescription (known as over-the-counter medicines).Up & Away | Put your Medicines Up and Away and Out of Sight of Children […]
Getting your Mental Health in Check!
Mental health issues affect all members of society in some way, shape, or form.It is estimated that one in five Americans over age 18 will experience a mental health problem this year.About 6-12 percent of transition-age youth and young adults struggle with a serious mental health condition (2.4-5 million individuals).Mental health involves how a person […]
Counterfeit drugs
Criminal drug networks are flooding the U.S. with deadly fake pills and falselymarketing them as legitimate!International and domestic criminal drug networks are mass-producing fake pills, falsely marketing them as legitimate prescription pills, and killing unsuspecting Americans.More than 9.5 million counterfeit pills were seized so far in 2021 which is more than the last two years […]
The “I’m Bored” Teen Effect
With summer in full swing, teens have plenty of time in their hands to startexperimenting “new things”Some staggering data for you: On an average summer day, 11,000 teens taketheir first alcohol drink, use Marijuana, hallucinogens, or inhalants!So when your teen starts complaining that “I’m bored” – time to get creative &get them busy!Some activities to […]