GOAL: Provide information.
Ensure that the community (parents, caregivers, adolescents, educators, community leaders) understands the gravity of drug
abuse through consistent placement of this problem and its outcomes in the community’s radar.
Target population: Everyone (teens, parents, law enforcement officers, health care professionals, educators, youth service
professionals, businesses)
Activities Include:
➔ Educational presentations, Workshops or seminars: targeted outreach to teens and parents; resenting at meetings,
community events, and health fairs
➔ Community walk/run: active participation in community events
➔ Public service announcements (PSA): produce and disseminate PSA for radio, print, TV, and social media
➔ Brochures/Flyers: regularly post flyers/posters in stores, schools, malls, libraries, and places of worship
➔ Billboard campaigns: gain support from private sector to ensure placement in key areas
➔ Parenting classes: targeted outreach for parents
➔ Web-based communication: virtual educational sessions