GOAL: Enhance and Reinforce Positive Skills among Youth
Build positive social and decision making capabilities among adolescents and college students. Make teens part of the solution to
a growing problem in order to influence the behavior of their peers through their actions.
TARGET POPULATION: Youth, educators, health care professionals.
Activities Include:
➔ Youth clubs: link with national youth programs that have local affiliates such as Elks Kid Zone
➔ Training: collaborate with healthcare partners to provide skill building on how to educate teens
➔ distance learning for parents, caregivers and healthcare professionals
➔ strategic planning retreats
➔ model programs in school: PSA announcements, competitions (essay, poster art, video contest), drug abuse prevention
modules – involve youth in creating videos about the dangers of drug abuse; promote them widely on social media sites;
conduct poster and video competitions and campaigns; provide rewards and recognition for all contest entrants and
➔ Drug-free lifestyle pledge for youth, coaches, and teachers: remote incentives for youths, coaches, teachers who sign
pledge (mugs, t-shirts, coupons)